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Science Skepticism

In this blog post, our goal is to write about skepticism towards science, particularly in Austria. This topic has become a focus of political and media debate in the last two years due to topics like COVID-19-pandemic, human made climate change, and evolution theory.  

The result of recently published IHS survey in this area shows that the majority of Austrians have a positive attitude toward science and democracy. However, a large part of them is indeed disinterested in or distanced from science. In particular, criticism of science was expressed regarding its potential influence by politics or business and self-interest of politicians and scientist.  

Science skepticism ranges from fundamental rejection of science, its validity and method, positive way of seeing the potential danger of using technology in business and politics. The surveys shows that science skepticism and low trust are present across all areas of the population. Younger age, lower education, dissatisfaction with life, right-leaning political views, and being from a large city tend to correlate with lower trust and higher skepticism.

The main factors that contribute to science skepticism in Austria are questioning science, no science in daily life, widespread criticism, political discontent, limited science communication, changes in media, history of science suppression, difficulty to view science as a personal growth.    

Science skepticism is a phenomenon that must be taken seriously and a science-based debate is crucial in order to take appropriate actions. Addressing criticism of science needs diverse measures due to the diversity of beliefs and viewpoints. 


Starkbaum, J., Auel, K., Bobi, V., Fuglsang, S., Grand, P., Griessler, E., König, T., Losi, L., Seiser, F., Tiemann, G., Taschwer K., Unger M., (2023), Study on Causations of Science and Democracy Skepticism in Austria, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in collaboration with Aarhus University, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

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